Website SEO audit and analysis service in Laval on the North Shore

Vous trouvez que votre site n’a pas beaucoup de visites? Quand vous cherchez votre site web sur Google à Laval, il apparaît loin dans les résultats de recherche? Ou encore, vos compétiteurs vous dépassent dans les résultats?

Si votre référencement à Laval n’est pas à la hauteur, vous pourriez avoir de fâcheux problèmes. Par exemple, si vous êtes loin dans les résultats de recherche, il est à parier que vous avez moins de visites. Un site web qui n’a que peu de visites signifie qu’il ne vous rapporte pas de ventes, ou presque. Pire encore, si vos compétiteurs vous dépassent, ce sont eux qui pourraient faire toutes ces ventes à votre place. ÇA, c’est moche.

Pour savoir comment remédier à la situation, vous pouvez nous donner un coup de fil. Notre service d’audit et d’analyse de référencement SEO à Laval de site web nous permet d’identifier rapidement des solutions. On trouve ce qui peut être amélioré sur votre site pour vous propulser plus haut dans les résultats!

A website SEO audit and analysis service in Laval, is it really useful?

Did you know that 68% of clicks go to the first 5 results displayed in a Google search? And that the first result collects 32% of these clicks? That means that the majority of people will visit your website if it is positioned higher in the search results. And that is significant information!

Do you want more visits?
Our website SEO audit and analysis service in Laval is equivalent to better performance on the net

SEO audit and analysis service for websites in Laval on the North Shore - Medialogue web agency specializing in natural SEO and SEM referencing on Google located in Montreal

Your online positioning plays a role in your number of sales. Marketing specialists consider that the SEO is becoming more effective, with 82% saying that effectiveness is increasing and 42% of this group saying that it is increasing significantly.

By having an expert analyze your website for SEO in Laval, you will have a concrete idea of ​​what you can do. We can provide you with a list of changes and we can even help you make them if necessary. We give you a hand to put all the chances on your side!

The importance of using an expert for SEO audit and analysis in Laval

You may have the most beautiful site in the world, but if no one visits it, you are at a loss. SEO for a site requires subtleties that can be difficult to identify and respect. Since many people on the market call on professionals for their SEO, it is easy to be overtaken.

By using the expertise of a professional in SEO audit and analysis for your website, you ensure that you remain competitive. If your site meets certain criteria, Google will position you higher in the search results.

SEO audit and analysis service for websites in Laval on the North Shore - Medialogue web agency specializing in natural SEO and SEM referencing on Google located in Montreal

What do we analyze when we look at SEO on a website?

There are a variety of elements to consider when analyzing a site. There is the content, but also the structure of the site! The combination of the two ensures that you optimize your website for SEO. Here are a few examples:

Structure optimization:

Structure optimization consists of checking the architecture of the site, the structure of your code as well as all the more technical elements of the website.

Examples of structure optimization:
  • Choosing a domain name
  • Site speed
  • Code optimization
  • Page hierarchy
  • Sitemap
  • Presence of an SSL certificate
  • Verification of mobile adaptation
  • Site architecture
  • And more.

Web content optimization in Laval

The optimization of your content is done with the aim of making your texts, images and other elements present on the page as SEO friendly as possible.

Examples of content optimization:
  • Optimisation des titres H1, H2, H3, H4
  • Images contenant les balises alt et title
  • Titre et description sur les pages de résultats (SERPs)
  • Liens internes et externes
  • Longueur des titres
  • Longueur des textes
  • Structure des textes
  • Présence de mots-clés
  • Vérifier la présence de duplicats
  • Qualité du texte
  • Présence de liens internes et externes

Curious to know how to improve your SEO in Laval?

Are you looking for an SEO audit expert in Laval?
Doing business with Medialogue for your SEO audit and analysis service means choosing professionals!

SEO audit and analysis service for websites in Laval on the North Shore - Medialogue web agency specializing in natural SEO and SEM referencing on Google located in Montreal

We have completed several projects where we analyzed and made significant changes to the site, with the goal of increasing its position on Google. Our years of experience make us an excellent choice to lend you a hand with your website!

Trust us to give you a complete overview of the situation. We can explain each step so you know what to do, or even do it for you. In both cases, Medialogue is your solution.

Take advantage of a website SEO audit and analysis service in Laval with an expert

At Medialogue, we have designed hundreds of websites optimized for SEO. We have proven solutions and we have improved the web presence of multiple SMEs in Laval. Thus, we can analyze the SEO of your website according to our standards and rectify errors or shortcomings.

Why choose us?

The benefits of choosing Medialogue for a website SEO audit and analysis service in Laval

Increase in visits

By having your SEO analyzed by a professional in Laval, you know what to do to better position your site. This translates into an increase in your visits to your website. Ultimately, more visits will translate into more sales.

Complete Analysis

Our experts take the time to analyze your entire site. Whether it is a content or structure analysis, we have everything you need to give you the right time. We will provide you with a complete list with the status of your website’s SEO and what needs to be improved.

Experts at your fingertips

Following the analysis of your website’s SEO, we can undertake the changes for you. Our experts are at the top to help you ensure that your SEO is optimized.

Long-term profitability

The advantage of having good SEO in Laval is that in the long term, you spend less on your visits than with paid advertising. You don’t have to pay to maintain the position you can have if your site is well referenced. You just have to keep it up to date!

Our latest web projects

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Testimonials about our website SEO audit and analysis service in Laval

We contacted Medialogue for an audit service on our website in Laval. Nothing to say, they delivered a quality, high-performance and growth site for our company! We are not embarrassed to tell you that we are very proud of their work and the results since we started working with them!


Our clientele has doubled since we started doing business with Medialogue.


I realized that my site had not been optimized for SEO. I called Medialogue and they took care of it without any problem.


Since we hired Medialogue for an analysis and audit service in Laval of our communication on Google in 2017, we continue to work closely with this amazing team for the deployment of other websites. Their expertise, flexibility and availability make Medialogue an essential partner for our organization.


My website has been analyzed and is working fine since they made changes.


We have been fortunate to be supported by Medialogue for several months now, for the redesign of our website and our digital marketing strategy in Laval, in a context of rapid growth.


Need a website SEO audit and analysis service?

Contact us

If your website’s SEO in Laval is lacking or absent, it impacts your visibility on search engines. Let us fix it and enjoy the success you deserve!

Call 1-855-333-9955Make an appointment

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    Medialogue est une agence innovante et dynamique. Notre objectif est basé sur l’excellence et le désir de vous voir réussir.



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